
Univeristy of Victoria (UVIC)

He is currently pursuing Masters at University of victoria (UVIC)  after working with one of the top Fortune 500 companies at Bangalore, where he is pushing himself to learn more about latest technologies like Machine Learning and Internet of Things (IoT). He attended Undergrad at LPU where his obsession about technology grew and helped him learn whatever he is today.

Lovely Professional University (LPU)

His interest in physics during high school helped him choose Bachelors of Technology (Hons.) in Electronics and communications at Lovely Professional University(LPU). It was at this place where he was exposed to various technologies and his urge to innovate started. With the help of his professors he managed to innovate the next big thing in world of switches during his mini project, which he calls a “Smart Switch”. He continued his project research and presented his Capstone project called “Smart Home” which helped him control any appliance in home from smartphone (Android) without the use of internet. Not only this , he also showcased various other wireless communication technologies in the project like infrared communication, radio communication and GSM communication which can be used in future smart home to make life simpler. He was among the top scorers in his class and was spoken highly of by his professors. In the last semester he was placed in one the top fortune 500 companies from where his professional career started.

Sacred Heart Convent School

Manpreet started his education at Sacred Heart Convent school, Ludhiana, Punjab.He studied for 16 years at SHCS till he graduated the high school. In this course of time he took part in various curricular as well as extra curricular activities where he showed his calibre and won various certificates and medals for showing outstanding performances in various fields like sports, arts, education, dancing and singing. During High school, he was part of inter school state matches for cricket and basketball, where his leadership skills and team-spirit helped his team to score first and second position respectively. At the same time he also took part in intra-school singing competition and won gold medal for the same.He passed his high school with flying colors scoring first division overall.